Doctor of Philosophy - History, 2019
KU Leuven
Master of Arts in de Archivistiek, 2011
KU Leuven
Master in Geschiedenis, 2010
KU Leuven
Tom Bervoets (1988) studied history at the KU Leuven (2010) and archival science at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2011). In 2019 he defended his PhD dissertation on clerical litigation before the Council of Brabant in the eighteenth century at the KU Leuven. This work was award the Mgr. De Clercq Prize of the Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten. As a scientific collaborator at the State Archive of Brussels (Anderlecht, later Forest) he arranged and described more than 3700 civil and criminal case files of the Council of Brabant. His research mainly focuses on the socio-religious and institutional history of the Southern Netherlands in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. He is currently working at the Centre for Historical Research into Urban Transformation Processes at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels as coordinator of ‘Getuigenissen’. This citizen science project, embedded in the field of the Digital Humanities, wants to digitize witness depositions and suspect interrogations preserverd for criminal courts in Belgium (1700-1900).